Mysterie - Willem Drees

Opdracht waarbij leerlingen bronnen bestuderen over Willem Drees. Leerlingen analyseren de bronnen en geven uiteindelijk antwoord op de vraag: Is het terecht dat Willem Drees is verdwenen uit de Canon van de Nederlandse geschiedenis?

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Chronicle - Napoleon

Activating card assignment about the life of Napoleon. Students must first put the cards in the correct chronological order. They then answer in-depth questions about Napoleon.

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Research project- Industrial Revolution

Research project about the Industrial Revolution with three assignments. In the first assignment students have to analyse primary sources, in the second assignment they look for information in secondary sources and with the third assignment they create an animated timeline.

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Research project- First World War Propaganda

Research project about the First World War. In the first assignment students define the word 'propaganda', in the second assignment they analyse English and American propaganda posters and in the third assignment they create propaganda posters themselves.

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